Post-Super Bowl nachos

To quote my friend Tracy, “These are mine, nachos.” The plan was to make ’em yesterday, but my husband wasn’t feeling all that well and it’s not as much fun to eat ooey-gooey nachos all by your lonesome. So tonight it was. Yum! Oh, and my vote for the best […]

Keeping the holiday happy

This is some of the tastiest cookie batter ever (nevermind the raw eggs) I’m not planning to stretch myself thin this holiday. It’s just not worth it. I think people set such high expectations each season and then run themselves ragged trying to pull it all off. The honest truth […]

Bread pudding

I won’t quit my day job to become a food stylist, that’s for sure. This Sausage, Apple and Onion Bread Pudding smelled (and tasted) oodles better than this picture could possibly convey.

Fruit on the bottom

Tonight’s dinner As much as I love to cook, I don’t like to cook for just myself. It seems like too much effort to whip something up for little ole me, especially when I’m busy. So on nights when Scott isn’t around, I get lazy. I reach for the box […]


What do you do if you have a plethora of plump, sweet blueberries on hand? You eat a bunch of them and you bake things with the rest: Blueberry Cinnamon Burst Muffins Blueberry Gingerbread Cake

Cooking without a net

Lori’s Mediterranean Chicken and Orzo I’m a pretty decent cook. But not a spontaneous one. My modus operandi is to find a tasty recipe, make a shopping list, then cook or bake along with the instructions and sometimes a few additions/subtractions of my own. I’m building a small repertoire of […]