I’ve been pretty open with friends and family (and even the Internet) about how blue and grouchy I’ve been feeling over the past few months. I’ve been tense, anxious, stressed, irritable, quick-tempered, sensitive and other highly negative adjectives. But I’m working on it. Still, there are times when the grumps […]
We went to Festival…
…and all he got was an orange balloon. Well, and a popsicle, a hot dog and a raspberry smoothie. And he really lobbied for some new sunglasses after walking past a sidewalk display. “Mommy, I neeeed new ones.” Because, of course, the two pairs we already have just can’t be […]
Any excuse to hold his hand*
*This one involved running up and down the hill at the dog park.
See this adorable child?
He’s devious, I tell ya! The sleep. The sleep. The sleep. Or the lack thereof. He’s been on a major “I have no intention of going to bed before 10:30” kick. And it’s becoming a bit tiresome. This attitude also includes shirking the responsibility of a nap. Does he not […]
A three-hour tour
My husband is singing the nightly songs to the kiddo. His current selection? The theme from “Gilligan’s Island”. It’s a raspy-voiced rendition, courtesy of the nearly two-week-long illness he’s had since our return from Florida. There’s nothing like writing web content about interpersonal communication while listening to the escapades of […]
The cure for what ails me
On my drive to daycare yesterday, I was still noodling over how I could be in such a terrible mood. And how to get out of it. A day’s worth of angst just wasn’t something I wanted. As I was walking toward the front doors, though, I heard this sweet […]
The things that three-year-olds say
Sometimes I wonder why I created a separate site for Devin. It’s meant to be a place for me to recount things since I’m way too lame to do scrapbooking and all that jazz. But I swear I make extra work for myself when I do stuff like that. And […]
Vegas, baby!
Scott has been teaching Devin to say that phrase in the smarmy Vegas voice in honor of me heading out thataway for a work gig. So things will be quiet here for a few days. I hope to come back with many photos. About time for me to start putting […]
Did you know I could leap tall toddlers in a single bound?
Motherhood isn’t something I was born to, as that saying goes. I struggled mightily to get the hang of it at first. I was bowled over by Devin’s adorableness when he entered our household. His sweetness. His funnyness. His perfectness. All of it. But I was also very definitely bowled […]
5, 4, 3, 2…1!
While the world is toasting the new year with champagne flutes and fireworks, I shall be snoozing under the influence of the store brand of NyQuil. I’m two days into a very nasty cold, which has had me in my flannel pajama pants and a grouchy mood. In order to […]