Handy is not my middle name

I have bigger aspirations for things than what my actual talents can provide. But that didn’t stop me – and Dev – from tackling a build-your-own-shelves project. The first part was fairly easy. Buy the stuff. Sand the boards. Put the brackets together. Prime and spray paint them. Stain the boards. (Stinky!) Then […]

Arachnid in the tree

Want some Halloween Spirit? My son has it. LOTS of it! We started decorating before October 1 and we’ve continued to come up with new stuff since then. The latest was a brilliant idea from, ahem, me. Handmade giant spider? Of course he was all over that one! He even […]


It’s ArtPrize time again! We’ve made it a point to spend as much time downtown during the event each year as we can manage. And since our commute home after school takes us through downtown, we decided to stop by on Wednesday, opening day. I love being able to visit […]

Homemade gift-ness

This took place a couple of weeks ago, but we’re going to be moving on to the edible version today. Hopefully! I used Pinterest to put together a craft board for Devin to look through and choose. These salt dough ornaments looked like they might be fun. And they were! […]

Let’s do this in order, shall we?

I have some lovely Halloween pics of our own little Harry Potter, but we went to the Meijer Gardens the day before and I just can’t bring myself to post out of order. I’m crazy like that. We’d gotten free passes months ago and they were about to expire. Sunday […]

We took on the maze again…and won!

This weekend was a wonderful demonstration of why I love fall. It’s my absolute favorite season. The sun was shining, the temps were nice and the sky was blue, blue, blue. Although we were fresh off of a high-energy birthday party, Dev and I spontaneously decided to head to the […]

Seven years

This photograph makes me smile and also makes me pine for Devin’s younger days. It seemed like a great way to start out this post. I know myself well enough to realize that with tomorrow’s busyness, I’m not likely to find the time to put this together. So I’m going […]

They lie!

In endless magazine articles and books, I’ve read that if you get your child involved in choosing and preparing the food, they’ll eat it. They obviously haven’t met Devin. Devin was home again on Monday with strep throat. (I say again because he’s managed to catch it twice in two […]