Been there, done that

OK. I can now say that I’ve been to IKEA. I can also say that it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever go back. I knew it was trouble when we drove into the parking lot and saw cars waiting impatiently for parking spots that didn’t exist. I was ready to […]

Oh, sure

The one night this past week when I had both time and brain power to post something to this site and my darn connection goes down. Yes, it’s back up now. But I’m heading to bed. So whatever brilliance I may have typed into my keyboard this evening will have […]


You would think I might have learned something from the last ten months. With one income, we had to tighten our belts quite a bit. After the unemployment checks ran out, we notched them even tighter. I gave up the extras that I probably should have given up from the […]

Goodbye to a president

I played hookey after all. How could I not when it was all so close? When President Ford’s funeral was taking place mere blocks from my home on a bright January afternoon. I planned to take Juliette along with me. And my camera, of course. Luckily I was able to […]

Here’s how much I pay attention

It’s impossible for me not to know that Gerald R. Ford is being buried in Grand Rapids, the city where I now reside. I’ve known this since last week. I’ve even known that his body will be laid to rest at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum downtown. I even […]

You know what I hate?

Well, that’s a loaded question. To be honest, I could probably come up with more than one thing. But my biggest gripe right now is with myself. I think of things throughout the day that I need to do, that I should do, that I would absolutely benefit from on […]

I really do love you snow much

Every day I experience at least one thing that would be a grand addition to this site. And every day I find it difficult to find the time to sit down and collect my thoughts and get those words and photos up here. Feeling a bit ditzy lately, I suppose. […]


I’ve lived in these parts all my life and am surely accustomed to wintry weather. Yet ever year I feel a twinge of sadness even as I’m enjoying fall because I know, soon enough, I’ll be facing a frozen-over windshield, fogged-up glasses and wet pantlegs from trudging though the snow. […]