Smiles all around

First off, thanks to everyone for the very sweet and supportive comments on my last post. I’m doing just fine and dandy. Well, better than that really. I’m actually calm. A word I swear no one would ever have used to describe me before. So it’s nice — not getting […]

Day 2

So…you may wonder, what’s that Lori up to when she’s not posting on this site? Especially since the she in question hasn’t been posting all that much over the past few months. What I’ve been up to has been, sadly, nothing productive. In fact, the biggest reason that I haven’t […]

Good thing my pride wenteth a long time ago

Airplane bathrooms don’t bother me. I prefer to do my business before and after the flight, but if I gotta go, I go. On the flight from Colorado Springs to Minneapolis, nature called. So I strode to the rear restroom, dutifully placed two sections of toilet paper on the seat, […]


Yesterday, I got to participate in something very, well, cool. One of my clients asked me to facilitate a conversation between four local artists. Four women who teach at universities and create exciting artwork. Intelligent, compelling, articulate women. It was one of the most exhilirating experiences I’ve ever had in […]

All hail The Slump!

My motivation…where did it go? I’m in a slump lately. It’s so hard to find the time and energy to formulate a thought, much less an interesting post. It’s like that with everything else, though, too. Photos? They’re just not coming easily. Housework? Ha! Cooking? I’ve been using the excuse […]


I have always, ALWAYS hated running. It’s never worked for me. Every time I’ve tried it, I’ve been beaten back with ferocious cramping in my side. (Except for one blissful 20-minute run on the treadmill ten years ago. That was nice.) Everyone would tell me, “Oh, just work through it.” […]

Here I am!

I’ve been neglectful. No matter how much I love my website, sometimes it drops down on my list of priorities. One of which is taking a weekend jaunt with my guys. We leave this afternoon for Chicago and some lovely summer weather. I had to get something up here, too, […]

The couch

So, yeah, I’m seeing a therapist now. I tried this twice before. Once in college, when my suitemates were being total bitches to me about god-knows-what. But I felt alientated and alone and loved by no one. So I went to one of the free counselors. Little good he did. […]


I’ve been pondering what to do with this site. It needs to be refreshed. But I don’t want to do anything stupid, as I’m sure to, and accidentally delete the last four years of my life completely. Do I start out fresh, from scratch? Or do I somehow figure out […]

Inside of me

During the Great Strides Walk this weekend A very nice person (he knows who he is) made a comment recently about my photos. He said that he learns things from my photography. I was flattered, yes, but a bit surprised too. I spend a lot of time being self-critical and […]