Crack Pancakes

I ate four of them. I would have eaten the whole stack if I weren’t keeping track of my calorie intake. Yes, you might point out, they are loaded with chocolate chips. Of course they taste good. But trust me. It’s more than that. Other than a small amount of […]

Sunday yummy-ness

My life feels rushed sometimes. Well, all the time, really. The weekdays are on a pretty strict schedule so that I can get to the gym, get to work, get to school to pick up the kiddo, get home to walk the dog, get the pets fed, get the people […]

Fish eggs and chocolate chip pie

That headline got your attention, didn’t it? No, we aren’t of the ilk who can afford caviar. (And, um, yuck!) We are all about making our own fish eggs. Short-statured scientist in the house! And while he was mixing up his red-hued concoction, I was baking up a very yummy […]

Slow food

Being gluten free isn’t necessarily a very easy lifestyle to lead. Is it healthier? So they say. I’m hearing nothing but bad things about wheat these days. But you also have to make an effort to find gluten-free foods that have fiber in them. And they often don’t have the […]

Foiled again

The other day I was looking for some dinner inspiration. And I noticed this sitting on the stack of recipes and cooking magazines that takes up most of my baker’s rack in the dining room. Luckily it was on top. Because, honestly, anything down farther in the pile tends to […]


I love it when there’s nice light in the kitchen when I’m cooking dinner. I should take more advantage of that in the summer months. Because when winter rolls around it’s not a pretty picture. Ha! Get it? I crack myself up. I bring you a spontaneous pizza crafted from […]

I done cooked

It used to be that I cooked a lot. Lately, though, it’s become a bit of a rarity. Dinner, you say? How about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Or some dino-shaped chicken nuggets? Or (gasp!) McDonald’s? I’ve made a couple of homemade pizzas here and there, but the stove […]

I’m strong to the finish

When I was a kid, I was afraid of spinach. I told my cousin once, when I was probably eight, that if his mom was looking for stuff in the grocery store and there were too many people around, he should park the cart in front of the spinach, because […]