
One of several knick-knacks I felt compelled to buy for the season Tiffany, Scott and I conquered The Haunt last night. It was scarier than last time around, but I have to temper my expectations. I’m never SCARED. I’m simply startled by these crazy people jumping out of the shadows. […]

Can you say toothache?

Texas Corners, Michigan So I called my husband at work the other day. I told him that next year we will be buying our Halloween candy on the day of Halloween. Was it worth bothering him at work? No, but I have to get those types of things off of […]

Fretting at the vet

Biding her time before the vet comes back in Yesterday was Maggie’s vet day. I hate vet day for my kitties. They’re both so freaked out by the experience that I, too, become a bit freaked out. I don’t know which cat is worse. Lucy shrieks through the entire car […]

Someone’s in the kitchen with Lori

One of the 47 Halloween Spiderweb Cookies I slaved over last night There’s something I love about baking. It can be very therapeutic as long as I don’t mis-measure the salt or reach into the fridge to discover there aren’t any eggs in there after all. To warm the hearts […]

Why smiling matters

Because it’s not that hard to do… Because it’s infectious… Because it can improve your mood… Because everyone looks beautiful when they smile… Because you’ll have a better day… And because it can help someone else have a better day: Motto had a patient who committed suicide from the Golden […]

(NFL) Not For Long

At least the lowly Lions make an appearance on this pattern The couple who owned this house before us had four kids. (Four!) The two boys occupied this room that’s now my office. With all of the painting projects we’ve been tackling — or not tackling — since we moved […]

OK…so next year!

Fall mums After having my little heart broken watching Game 6, I knew last night’s game might go awry. I wasn’t feeling well and decided to relax with a book in bed instead, counting on the hubby to give me updates (but only positive ones — I didn’t want to […]

Still a little nervous

Checking out some scary noise in the distance Well, it’s been almost six weeks and the little guy is becoming a lot more comfortable. He’s still a Nervous Nelly, though. I’m thinking this whole getting-used-to-Scott-and-Lori’s-house thing is going to take longer than we first thought. That’s OK. At least he’s […]