What happens when you leave a poor, defenseless pumpkin on the front stoop I’m pretty sure my biggest pet peeve has to do with other drivers. Yes, I make mistakes on occasion. Everyone does. But don’t you sometimes wonder about the majority of the driver’s license holders who share the […]
Shopping in a winter wonderland
Chicago: May 2003 I loved Chicago in the summer. Scott and I used to walk everywhere, exploring the different neighborhoods. We biked along the lake, I sometimes sneaked ice cream cones when I disembarked at the Addison el stop, we sat outside at Southport Lanes after softball eating grilled cheese […]
Skinny wrists
New bracelets from Catching Fireflies and Pepperberry Mom came up for a pre-holiday shopping jaunt. Our retail targets today were “stuff” stores. You know, the kind of places with loads of candles, ornaments and the like. I think we hit ten of them in the GR area. I found a […]
Color swatches
Why is it so hard to choose? Did I mention that we redid our kitchen in July 2002 and haven’t yet painted it? That would probably tell you a little something about me. Just a little.
Conspicuous consumption
Unsuspecting mouse before the cats (and dogs) got hold of it I was talking to my friend Laurel the other day about Starbucks. About the fact that the company has overtaken every city on the planet, a la McDonald’s. She’s decided to boycott them and try to support local merchants. […]
Usability redesigned
More pumpkin merriment Cool. Jakob Nielsen is probably the best-known usability “expert” out there. He keeps his site super simple to prove his point. But designers were challenged to make the site better while still adhering to his principles. Some of the submissions are pretty interesting. Of course I’m of […]
Oh, the shame!
I think the question really is, “Do we care?” Actually, I guess I do care, because I purchased this copy of People Magazine. Mind you, when I walked up to the magazine rack and saw these two “charming” couples on the front, I walked away muttering, “Uh uh. No way.” […]
Johnny Pumpkinseed
Crafted by Lori with the help of a stencil The idea of carving pumpkins is very appealing to me. Actually carving them? Not so much. It might have something to do with the stringy pulp that you have to scoop out of the innards. Or maybe it’s the inexact science […]