What was I thinking?

Oh, that’s right…*I* wasn’t the one doing the thinking – or the not thinking – in this case. This one was all my husband. Yay! I’m blameless. (This time.) So I give you many, many photos of our new family member: Nick Furry. (Initially named Nick Fury, but amended because […]

Here, leezard, leezard, leezard!

I figure there are just some things you do for your kids to make them happy. Right? Because I don’t think I’d otherwise want to have this critter in my house. She’s not horrible. (The neighbor kid, a bearded-dragon owner himself, informed us that Ryu Tatsu is a she. Not […]


It’s how I feel after walking my dog on a beautiful summer night. It’s how I feel after eating a tasty dinner grilled up by my husband – and having that dinner on our deck in the sunshine and breezes. It’s how I feel when I finish mowing the lawn […]

Lean in

Do you notice how my dog is practically leaning over? (Yeah, the photo is a bit slanted too, but you know what I mean.) She has no shame. She’ll beg for anything. If there’s food, Juliette is on it. And in this case, it was something I’m sure she thought […]

Mr. Sorta Social

My kid? The one with cute the toes up there? He’s growing up. Of course, you say. But with all of the outgrowing of clothes, his developing sense of humor and the rapid-fire knowledge he keeps spewing at me like a geyser, I saw the biggest change this weekend when […]

Crazy about daisies

My shasta daisies started blooming last week. Such happy flowers, don’t you think. While the boys were setting up their tent for a backyard camp-out one evening, I started poking around in the garden trying to find different angles to photograph the blooms. It seems that I got a bit […]

Feelin’ cubey

There are times when I feel like I’m letting my kiddo down when it comes to the act of play. It’s not that I’m not playful. It’s just that we have different interests or different energy levels depending on the timing. Some of his favorite things to do: Legos Matchbox/Hot […]

Ta-ta, spring!

The weather the past few weeks has been simply splendiferous. I’ve always been very fond of temperatures in the 70s. I practically hum with happiness on days with those temps. It’s warm enough to sit comfortably in the grass (or to read in the wagon), but not so hot that […]