I kind of knew better. I pinned these cookies a while back, but I’ve been avoiding them. Why? Because there are 18 tablespoons of butter in the cookie and the frosting combined. Ay-yi-yi! Before I had to give up gluten, my favorite recipe source was Cooking Light. I like to […]
Baking and bothersome cats
Let’s start with the cats, shall we? It’s the holiday season. We have a new kitten. You can see where this is going right? He’s only climbed into the tree once, thankfully. He knocks down just one ornament a day. Only two of them have broken so far. (Thank you, […]
Catching up with the Smiths
What have we been up to lately? Well, fall came and went. Luckily, we did get a chance to enjoy it before the snow took over. And? It’s Thanksgiving this week. That came up crazy fast! We hiked. We hung out with some dinosaurs. We did not visit the planetarium […]
Smashing pumpkins and making pizza
Can you tell school has started? It’s the time of year when I feel like I can almost hear my free time whirling down the drain. I don’t mean that in an awful way, really. It’s just that it takes a while to get back into the school routine and […]
Arachnid in the tree
Want some Halloween Spirit? My son has it. LOTS of it! We started decorating before October 1 and we’ve continued to come up with new stuff since then. The latest was a brilliant idea from, ahem, me. Handmade giant spider? Of course he was all over that one! He even […]
Mr. Big Feet
It’s kind of hard to see from these photos, but Nick Furry’s paws are enormous! They make me giggle. Maybe you can get a better perspective from this photo that was taken by his rescuers. He was at his first vet appointment and all tuckered out. And there’s that big […]
It’s ArtPrize time again! We’ve made it a point to spend as much time downtown during the event each year as we can manage. And since our commute home after school takes us through downtown, we decided to stop by on Wednesday, opening day. I love being able to visit […]
Three kids and a lake
After vacation, we did the lake thing. Like we do every summer. It was fun. As it is every summer. The kids got along. As they do every summer (at least up until this point). Much water shenanigans were involved. As there are every summer. You get my point. Yes? […]
Day 4 of the Up North vacation
I’ve never spent any real time in the UP. The farthest north I’ve ever gotten, in fact, is St. Ignace. So it was pretty exciting to head out from there on our fourth morning. After a stop at Java Joe’s (because I’ve somehow become a coffee person this summer), we […]
Day 3 of the Up North vacation
Well, there seems to have been a tiny delay between the reporting of Day 2 and this recap of Day 3. But, finally, several weeks after the actual event, come photos and recollections! I loved our time in the Traverse City area. But I was very excited about visiting the UP too. […]
Day 2 of the Up North vacation
Even given all of the beautiful views and fun activities that are part of a vacation, some of my favorite memories often end up being the dining experiences. The grilled cheese in the previous post, for example, knocked my socks off. As did the small outdoor patio that faced Glen […]
Day 1 of the Up North vacation
The vacation in question took place a week ago, of course. Because being timely is no longer an option for me. But we’re still basking in the glow of five days of touring around upper Michigan. Day one took us through Frankfort, where we played on the beach; Sleeping Bear […]