Baking + a new cat (yes, another one)

I have not, of course, been baking non-stop since September, when I last updated. I’ve had a few baking experiences and then came the holidays when baking went all out for a bit. Like with these little guys that we made last year, sans the outlines this time around.


And then we made these tasty little temptations. Another repeat. And it will be repeated again, you can be sure. These are dangerously good. I ate two yesterday and three today. I’m going to take one in and make my intern eat it tomorrow just so I won’t pop another one in my mouth.

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And then there’s that bit about the cat. Why on earth would I get another cat? Well, we didn’t actually add headcount. We lost Nick Furry in July. Which was tough to take. Not that the other two weren’t too. But Nick? He was just a baby. Two years old. It doesn’t seem fair. And I don’t like things that aren’t fair. No matter how many times my mom tried to drill into me that life just isn’t.

On to the second part of this sad story. We waited a few months. But being surrounded by adorable felines during our volunteer shifts at Crash’s Landing, and wanting another younger cat to interact with Loki (the crazy boy), we eventually decided to add another feline to the family.



She’s a diva. Loves to get on shoulders. Sleeps on heads. Scampers down the stairs super fast. Is not bothered by the scoldings she gets when she attacks my 15-year-old, fragile dog. You get the picture.

We like her.

And to add to the furry crowd we have around here, albeit temporarily, we had a houseguest over the holidays. Rizzo the rat. He was charming and pretty cute. But he ate holes in my favorite pair of jeans. So I wasn’t entirely sad to have to take him back to school on Monday.


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