Words by me, photos by my sidekick

It’s the time of year when I begin assaulting my viewers with photos of my garden. It’s all the pent-up eagerness that I can’t contain after months without blooms in my yard. But…I don’t have everything planted yet so I’ve been restricted to the tulips and emerging perennial leaves. So where […]

Just call him “Speedy”

I started running about seven years ago. Mostly on the track at my gym and, even then, not for miles and miles. When I started at my current company, I discovered they had a runners’ club and I took the plunge and joined up. The allure was the opportunity to run […]

Local goodness

The kiddo had this Friday off from school, so I took a day off from work as well. I love when we have opportunity to just hang out together. The thought was that we’d go to a movie and just enjoy the day. Which we did. But it ended up being […]

A study in tulips

My backyard is just bursting with blooms right now. The ones I planted out front, however, were ravaged by the squirrels. Or at least I’m going to blame them, even without proof. I have no idea why they’re too lazy to scale the fence and gnaw on the ones in […]

The weekend: it came and went

Weekends are too short, don’t you agree? Looks like Nick could use another few hours in his weekend too. Lazy cats! I can’t resist taking photos of his big ol’ paws. Especially when he stretches out so adorably. The only bad thing about the photo is that the flannel sheets are still […]

Now for the cinnamon rolls

You know how you realize something is probably not good for you, but it looks so tasty, that you decide to go ahead and make it anyway? That’s where I was with these cinnamon rolls. I’ve never made cinnamon rolls before. I haven’t eaten that many either, to be honest. […]