I ate four of them. I would have eaten the whole stack if I weren’t keeping track of my calorie intake.
Yes, you might point out, they are loaded with chocolate chips. Of course they taste good. But trust me. It’s more than that. Other than a small amount of brown sugar, those chips and the banana are the only sugar but I had no desire to add syrup to these. They were perfectly sweetened and a very nice texture. In fact, I’d probably back off on the number of chocolate morsels for the next batch. And not a smidgeon of the dryness that I get in a lot of the gluten-free recipes I try.
They really aren’t called Crack Pancakes, but, you know, I like it as a nickname. If you must, you can call them Banana and (Not)* Dark Chocolate Chip Pancakes.
*Because I only had the regular variety and I wasn’t willing to make a grocery store run just for one ingredient.