Crack Pancakes

I ate four of them. I would have eaten the whole stack if I weren’t keeping track of my calorie intake. Yes, you might point out, they are loaded with chocolate chips. Of course they taste good. But trust me. It’s more than that. Other than a small amount of […]

Sunday yummy-ness

My life feels rushed sometimes. Well, all the time, really. The weekdays are on a pretty strict schedule so that I can get to the gym, get to work, get to school to pick up the kiddo, get home to walk the dog, get the pets fed, get the people […]


Spring break is almost over, but I figured I’d better log the first part of it before too much more time goes by! My son’s class was given a Game Changer award by the Detroit Pistons for the charitable work they’ve done in our community. That meant free tickets for […]