
Renee does not like to have her picture taken. So I kind of had to sneak this one in there. Of course she does read this website from time to time, so I’m sure I’m going to hear about this.

How the garden does grow

Heavily Photoshopped because I was in a playing-around mood It’s just amazing how all the flora is a-poppin’ in my backyard right now. I love May and June for such anticipation. You dig into the dirt, untwine the roots, settle the plants into a new home, and watch the greenery […]

Garden lasagna

As you may be able to tell, I burned the garlic bread. Bah! I cut off the crispy, black edges and served it anyway. The lasagna was good, but I have to say that I’m terrible at reading the recipe through before I get started. I thought it said to […]

The flight of the bumblebee

Let me start by saying that I lived to be 38 and have never been stung by a bee. You can tell where this is going, can’t you? The boy and I came home last night and were making our way up the steps. In the usual slow manner of […]

Silly me

For my husband’s birthday on Thursday, I made reservations to attend a special screening of “A Prairie Home Companion” hosted by Michigan Radio. He’s been a fan of Garrison and Co. for years now. And the show’s grown on me a bit too. Some people may recall my last experience […]