On the bed in our hotel, 20th floor
It came and went
Look really closely and you can see all three of us Does this ever happen to you? You plan a trip and look forward to it for weeks, then – BAM! – it’s over before you know it. At least we had a good time and have plenty of memories […]
Checking in
All that’s left of Scott’s yummy peanut sauce from the other night Work, work, work. Who the heck has time to update a website with all that going on? And we’re heading to our favorite city tomorrow. Chicago. Again. Of course. (Little guy in tow this time around…hooray!) So there […]
Tired of travel
Hitchin’ a ride on the Avis shuttle Back from another business trip. Long Island again. No, I’m not jaded, but it’s not like I got to hang out and enjoy the quaint towns of the island. I was workin’, man. And it was really tiring this time around. Plus, I […]
They’re going to have to pry the bottle out of my hand
I’ve extolled the virtues of my best friend before. Yes, sadly, my best friend is a bottle of pills. No, not THOSE kind of pills. These are legal. You know, over-the-counter meds that can’t be turned into some wicked meth lab. But yesterday some doctor in a white coat told […]
Look really close, between the spokes of the umbrella, and you’ll see a small, furry creature hanging there. The bat was actually hanging over our heads for quite a while before Kip looked up and noticed him/her. It caused a bit of consternation, until he/she actually pooped and it escalated […]
You can always go…downtown
Along Ionia Street Labor Day is supposed to be about NOT working, but, as a freelancer, I sometimes have to make sacrifices. That’s how I found my way to downtown GR yesterday afternoon for a meeting with Gwen and Dottie. I purposefully arrived early so I could snap some shots […]
Less than 24 hours later
Yesterday the tyke was puking his little guts out. The result was a trip to the ER to get some assistance and rehydration — in the form of a yummy slushie. Today he’s clearly back to himself. And he discovered that slushies don’t just come from hospitals. They also come […]
Made you look!
Juliette came to us at nearly six months old. She was found with a broken leg, which the foster family had mended up nicely so she was none the worse for wear. But we knew right away from her demeanor that she’d been through a tough first few months. Men […]
Things can always be worse
Scott and I found out yesterday that we’re going to have some decisions to make. Decisions that weren’t really on our radar ’til now. I get quite a bit unsettled by such things. Uncertainty and all that. Yet my browser is shouting all of these horrible headlines at me right […]