The Sunday Blues

Buddy Guy’s Legends The blues seem a fitting way to describe my state this Sunday. No, I’m not really sad. Nothing terrible has happened. I’ve just got those “I put everything off ’til the last minute and now it’s Sunday” Blues. It’s a typical state for me, depending on my […]

No photo today…

I haven’t figured out all the ins and outs of Movable Type yet, obviously, or I wouldn’t be contending with blank pages staring at me periodically. In the interest of keeping things looking neat and tidy around here, I feel the need to at least put something up today to […]

How humiliating

Doesn’t he look less than thrilled? A couple of weeks ago Scott came into the office and asked for the camera. I hesitated. “What are you going to do with it?” I asked. “You’ll see,” he said with a grin. OK. Fine. So I’m doing my thing when I hear […]

Want vs. need

At the time, it felt like I needed it I went to the frame store the other day to get some frames I needed for our kitchen. And I came across this. What a cute plate…especially if you’re a cat lover like me. It’s tough to pass up such a […]

Sunday the way it’s meant to be

Irish Soda Bread with Oatmeal I’m sure it’s the same with everyone during the holiday season. Your schedule gets a bit off track from the norm with all the shopping, baking, wrapping and visiting. Well today I’m happy to welcome back our usual Sunday routine. The theme? Laziness with absolutely […]

These shoes were made for walking

Taken on a warm, cloudy January night Before we were socked by the monster snowstorm on the way home Sunday, we had a couple of very nice, warmish days during our stay in Chicago. It made walking around much more fun. And that’s basically what Scott and I do on […]

The quest for Franz

If only that woman hadn’t been sitting in front of me, I would have gotten a better photo We’d already made our plans to go to Chicago for the new year, but I created a bit of a mission out of the trip. What kind of mission? We absolutely had […]

Spinach-feta bread

The third time’s the charm: recipe from Cooking Light magazine The first time I made this bread, I didn’t spread the filling properly and it clumped together in the middle, leaving me with lovely end pieces but nothing more. The second time I was to make it, my mom had […]

The six-hour drive

A must-see! What freaky weather we had this trip! Friday the temps went up to almost 60. Sunday we got whacked with snow, wind and brrrrrr — along with a treacherous drive back home. What normally takes three hours, tops, took us six and some change. I was exhausted by […]