Pretty things

One of two glass lamps in the living room Most women tend to like clothes. Let’s face it, if you asked a woman to share her closet with her male significant other, the guy probably won’t have all that much room. I’m guilty of that. In fact, I took up […]

Tough kitty

Masquerading as captain of the volleyball team is another plus of wearing this shirt I grew up on The Looney Toons. The classics, of course. Every day after school we’d rush home to plop down in front of the TV and watch Bugs and pals. Like Seinfeld reruns, I feel […]


Twenty-four little squares waiting to be filled with chicken bao I think there are some definite parallels between the behaviors of kids and animals. Although I have no children, I’ve been around many of them and, of course, was once one myself. And I’ve many times heard parents say that […]

Double happiness

Double Ginger Cookies from Cooking Light When planning our very belated Chinese New Year party, I decided to make things easier on myself by choosing relatively simple dishes that I could also make ahead. These cookies were the perfect choice. Once they’ve cooled off, I can pop ’em in a […]

How sweet it isn’t

Fake blooms I’ve come to a tough decision. One I probably should have come to much sooner. I have to cut way back on my sugar intake. Sweets just aren’t sitting well with me lately. They really throw off my blood-sugar levels and make me feel awful. Problem is, I […]

Veggie pizza with a twist

Potato pizza with red peppers and goat cheese…AKA yum! I found this recipe while flipping through back issues of Cooking Light in search of Asian-inspired appetizers for our belated Chinese New Year celebration. I quickly set it aside to make sometime soon. Today was the day. It has a whole-wheat […]

Coffeetable conundrum

They’re called cluster tables…how quaint The other night I went shopping with my friend Heather. We traipsed around the mall in search of bargains until we came upon Pottery Barn. I have plenty of items in my home from Pottery Barn, but I’ve become pretty persnickety about the stuff they […]

Shiny fabric

Better than your average drink coasters We’ve decided to throw a Chinese New Year party this year. Of course we’re a bit behind when it comes to planning, so we’re throwing if after the usual celebrations, which start Jan. 22. But that’s OK. As the wisdom says, it’s the thought […]