Rooster art I picked up in Chicago last Memorial Day weekend
There are certain things that really bring home the realization that your own problems are very tiny. Maybe you hear about a tragedy on the news or, in my case, you know a person who’s experiencing something very devastating. When these moments occur, I try to shift my thinking…to see the bright side of everything and really appreciate what I have.
For example, I’m still experiencing the residual effects of 9/11. The first time I set foot in the grocery store after that day, I didn’t care if I had to wait in the check-out line for half an hour. Waiting seemed OK given what had happened to 3,000 people. These days I’m not all that concerned about finding myself behind a heaping cart of groceries. I took some time to think about what mattered. And I really need to do that more often.
Honestly, besides getting my nose out of joint when it comes to most drivers on the road (which I’m trying not to do), I have very little to complain about. In honor of that, here’s a list of the little things that have made a difference in my day:
- Today is yet another beautiful spring day
- I’m almost finished painting the kitchen
- I love my yard after it’s mowed and it looks mighty fine at this very moment
- Pete is finally learning how to heel and walking the dogs is a much more enjoyable experience
- I made plans for lunch with two friends I haven’t seen in a few weeks
- Even though Pete chewed up my favorite bra the other day, I was able to pick up two more — on sale
- The last few weeks of exercise have begun to pay off
- We’re making plans for our upcoming vacation, including hiking, biking and visiting with friends and familiy
- My new haircut takes about five minutes off my morning blowdrying routine
- I finished my book club book with two weeks to spare
were you wearing the bra?
Um, I think I’ll keep that information to myself. 🙂