The sweet smell of spring

Note to those who don’t like the word “poop”: read no further. Everyone loves spring, don’t they? The whole idea of saying “So long, winter!” is pretty appealing. The buds on the trees, the warmth on your face, the clear view of the grass for the first time since November. […]

Back to civilization

Gulls: St. Augustine, Florida It figures that the temps here in Michigan would drop once we returned from our tropical trip. It’s March, though, and I fully expect that. I got my five-day boost of sunshine and breezes. It was lovely. Now it’s back to the chilly weather that may […]

Oh, great

I’m picking through my emails the other day, 95% of which are spam, and I come across one from Lori, you have an email from Tom! Immediately I guess the topic of this communication. Tom was our class president, or some such office, and that means…you know where I’m […]


Egads! We can finally see the deck I will in no way proclaim that spring is here. We Michiganders know better than that. We could have a blizzard in May and it wouldn’t surprise me. But a little spring-like thaw is always welcome. This one brought with it much rain […]