Canned goodness
It’s a grey, dreary and very muddy day. Yet I’m still in good spirits. The other day, when it was actually sunny and bright, I was feeling a bit down. So this is a welcome change.
Then, I was dealing with a disappointment regarding work, as well as a psycho dog. By the end of the day, I was rent with guilt over the future of my pup and I let it all out in one big sob session. I’m an emotional one to begin with, but some days even the smallest things can seem a bit insurmmountable. And a flood of tears is the best answer I can come up with.
Today, the work issue has cleared itself up nicely. The dog? Well, he’s still loony. In fact, I spent five minutes out on our back deck in the rain at 6:20 a.m. (squatting under the eaves to try to keep my PJs dry and hoping my neighbors didn’t accidentally glance out their windows to see my mussed-up hair and desperate, whining face) trying to coax him to come inside from his morning constitutional. But the situation doesn’t seem as desperate as it did the other day.
On top of it all, this isn’t the mid-winter bitter-cold grey that strikes a chill into one’s heart. It’s the “Hmmm…spring may be coming after all” grey that’s accompanied by warmer temps and the green shoots of hyacinths making their way out of the dirt. The hint of things to come certainly boosts my optimism meter several notches.