The magnificently cold mile

State and Washington Shopping. It’s what Chicago’s about during the holidays, right? You’d think so with all of the Crate & Barrel, Eddie Bauer and Pottery Barn bags we were assaulted with. But Tiffany and I were more interested in exploring and snapping some photos. Some observations: It was cold […]

Abjure? I think not!

I just love it when she curls up in a ball like that OK. Word #1 of 100: abjure tr.v. ab·jured, ab·jur·ing, ab·jures 1. To renounce under oath; forswear. 2. To recant solemnly; repudiate: abjure one’s beliefs. Hmmm…when will I have occasion to use this word? Let me see. Scott, […]

Jingle, jingle

One of the few non-snowman ornaments Or is it creak, creak? We’ve had a plethora of creaky, squeaky doors around here lately, so I decided to be productive and oil ’em up. I grabbed the 3-in-1 and tackled all of them, including the medicine cabinet doors in the bathroom. Ta-dah! […]

All decked out

Shiny and bright So about those frasier firs…they’re deadly! I have scratches all over my hands from stringing lights and hanging ornaments. Especially annoying when you’re running hot water over them while doing dishes. I’m sorely tempted to go for the artificial (not fake, right Kip?) version next time ’round. […]

Tree shopping

Pick a tree…any tree I’m not a fake-tree gal. At least not yet. Although it would probably be a whole lot easier. And it’s not like we have one of those go-to-a-tree-farm-and-saw-down-a-tree-and-drink-cider rituals. No. We travel just three short blocks to the Booster Club tree lot and pick one out. […]

Shopping funk

A bit o’ tinsel Well, today was a day that I thought would be productive. Laurel, Reji and I trooped down to the Holiday Artists’ Market at the UICA, where there were many good things to be had. Yet they all seemed to be items that I would buy for […]

Throbbing, pounding, ugh!

It’s a snowman. It’s a candleholder. It’s super snowman! You ever wake up with a headache that stays with you all day? Well then, you’re right where I’ve been on this lovely Tuesday. In pain and totally grumpy. Ugh. Double ugh.

Frou-frou dogs and folk music

More holiday cheer Christopher Guest and Company have really skewed my view of the world. How so, you ask? In the span of two days, I came across two television events that I just couldn’t take seriously due to my prior viewing of Christopher Guest’s clever little movies. Day One: […]