Aunt Nancy’s holiday spread (note the snowmen everywhere)
I’m nowhere close to 22. I haven’t been for a while. So my family’s holiday party was raised to the status of must-attend event when this year two of my uncles declared me to look very young. Very young.
When Bud, my mom’s oldest brother, asked me my age and I responded with the truth, his retort was, “No way. I’d put you at 22.” Thank you kindly, my now-favorite uncle (who also somewhat curiously was telling everyone I looked like Courtney Cox. Wha?).
Of course, Gene one-upped him slightly after he kept squinting at me and shaking his head during another age discussion, and said, “You look the same age as Lacey [my cousin], and she’s only 15.” (Note: she’s actually the aforementioned 22, so I figure there must be some truth to this assertion if the two of them, age and diminishing eyesight certainly not a factor, estimated me at the same exact age.)
Well, you can imagine what big hugs these two uncles got on our way out the door. I informed them that they were both my favorites and the other two had some work to do if they wanted to compete.
How I love family gatherings!
At least you didn’t get called a GSDN this year.