Cluck, cluck

Also titled “What I did with my Monday lunch break.” New school. New adventures. New parent-volunteer responsibilities. Enter chicken adoption. The goal? Sit in a circle with nine other kids. Wait for teacher and parents (like me*) to place ruffled-feathered (literally!) chickens in the center. Recite a poem or sing […]

A week in review

Let’s go backward in time, shall we? Today. This afternoon. I made this scrumptious smoothie. Peach-nectarine bliss. Sounds like a good name for it, right? I haven’t made enough smoothies this summer. Seems like a goal for the next few weeks. Perhaps I’ll have some more tasty photos to share. […]


My neighbor has a cherry tree. But she doesn’t like cherries. What does that mean? Neighborhood cherry picking! With the help of the kiddos, we bagged (or colander-ed) ourselves quite a lot of cherries. And as I stood there with the 8-plus cups of cherries, I had a moment of […]

What’s my theme?

I was looking through my Instagram stream the other day and it’s apparent that I have three go-to subjects when it comes to photos. 1. Cats! Everywhere. (I love dogs. Yes, I do. But J doesn’t really appreciate the camera. So fewer of her.) 2. Foliage. It’s that time of year, […]

Escape artist

I unwittingly created a habit when we first got the new feline. In trying to get him comfortable with the formidable Nick Furry – well, actually, the other way around – I gave Loki and Nick treats one morning. They were both very pleased, of course. And the next morning? They […]


Yeah, I’m that kind of dork. My son is actually thinking of calling this science fair experiment the Eggcellent Egg Drop. So it runs in the family. Lesson learned: let him choose one that’s messy and gooey and the child will complete the experiment, and his observations, in record time! […]

Cats on my desk

  One of my favorite photos I ever took was when my cat Maggie, who just walked into the office and is heading for my desk as I type, was hanging out on my desk while I was trying to work. It seems to be cat thing. I caught Nick […]